On Thursday 17 October 2024, the first cluster workshop was organized between the two BMS projects NEXTBMS and InnoBMS. Sharing some of the same partners, the workshop was a great opportunity to align the two projects on objectives, mutual results and future (commercial) steps. The workshop started with a short presentation by both project coordinators AIT & VUB on the synergies between the projects and how both projects focus on next generation BMS will impact the future generation BMS and hence battery development, both for EV and storage applications. After two dedicated presentations from each project (on the cell testing from the NEXTBMS and E/E architecture from InnoBMS) a good plenary discussion took place between the partners on how to exchange information between the two projects to strengthen the achievement of the end results without compromising confidentiality. And also how the synergy between the two projects will improve the exploitation of the results, both in sense of technology but also new collaborative projects.