On this page you can find the list of publications related to the NEXTBMS project
List of publications
- Pegah Rahmaniab, Sajib Chakrabortyab, Igor Melec, Tomaž Katrašnikc, Stanje Bernhardd, Stephan Prueflinge, Steven Wilkinsf, Omar Hegazyab
a MOBI-EPOWERS Research Group, ETEC Department, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Belgium
b Flanders Make, Belgium
c University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Slovenia
d AVL LIST GMBH, Austria
e AVL Software and Functions GMBH, Austria
f Nederlandse organisatie voor toegepast natuurwetenschappelijk onderzoek TNO, Netherlands
Driving the future: A comprehensive review of automotive battery management system technologies, and future trends. , - Igor Mele1, Klemen Zelič1, Marko Firm2, Jože Moškon2, Miran Gaberšček2,3 and Tomaž Katrašnik1
Enhanced Porous Electrode Theory Based Electrochemical Model for Higher Fidelity Modelling and Deciphering of the EIS Spectra. Published on behalf of The Electrochemical Society by IOP Publishing Limited. , ,